Just keep swimming...

Just keep swimming...

The cold weather has kept us inside and I have to keep looking for new ways to entertain my 3 year old. He loves playing with water (which 3 year old doesn't!) and all his fussiness and tantrums disappear when he hears the sound 'experiment'.

Items needed for this activity:
-1 cup Water
-1/2 cup Baking soda
-1 cup Vinegar
-Tall transparent container

Fill the container less than half way with water.

Add baking soda to the water and give it a gentle stir.

Carefully add vinegar. Make sure the container is not too full, or else you will make a mess like we did :-)
This will create bubbles.

Now add rice, raisins and wheat or any other hard grain you have available.

The bubbles will make the grains swim around for a long time. My son kept on staring at this thing the whole day (on and off).


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