Pop out card

Pop out card

Just in time for Valentine's Day we made this card for dad.

Things needed for this activity:
-A4 size paper
-red paint
-red glitter
-old tooth brush
-glue stick
-a picture of the child

Start by cutting out a piece of paper in the shape of a heart. In our case, we used an old business card (a job for an adult).

Now have the child fold the paper in half to make it look like a greeting card. Place the cut out shape on the front of the card. Ask the child to dip the toothbrush in paint (watered down) and spray all over the heart. 

Once dry lift the heart shape and you will have this.

Open the card and draw a large heart with red paint (a job for an adult if the child is too young). Before the paint dries have the child sprinkle lots of glitter on the paint. The glitter will stick to the paint and shake off the extra glitter on to a different paper.

Cut out a picture of your child

Cut a small strip of card paper (we got ours from the left over photo) and fold it in a W shape.

Put glue on two outer side of the strip. Stick the photo on one side and the greeting card on the other side.

And voila! the card is ready for the child's message


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