Homemade play doh

Homemade play doh

How often do you buy play-doh? How much money have you spent of this stuff? We made a whole bunch of play doh at home. We had fun making it, then we played with it and it costs maybe less than a dollar.

Things needed for this activity:
-2 cups flour (we used all purpose flour)
-1/2 cup salt
-2 tbsp cream of tartar
-2 tbsp oil
-1.5 cups boiling water.

First mix the flour, cream of tarter, oil and salt. Start adding boiling water (you might not need all of the water). Kids will have fun mixing this, but be careful the water can be really hot. Keep kneading the dough and it will eventually become very soft like play doh. If it feels too watery add a bit of flour to get the right consistency.

 Now for the fun part, adding colors. Of course you can make it all one color, but we chose to make several color by mixing food coloring.

After done playing, store it in a tight plastic container so it can be used again later.


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