Four seasons

Four Seasons

I was explaining to my 3 year old that fall is about to start and then it'll be winter and so on. He has been wanting to do crafts as well, so we did this craft so he can visualize what to expect in each season.

We went out for a walk and collected a whole bunch of stuff for our craft.

Things needed for this activity:
- construction paper
- green leaves
- dry leaves
- paint
- small dry twigs
- glue

We started by gluing the small twigs and made it look like 4 different trees.

We added silver color glitter on the first one, representing snow (winter).

For the second one, we added a few flowers and fruits (spring).

We added fresh green leaves to the next one (summer).

For fall, we found some dry leaves and painted some fall colors on the leaves (fall).

We talked about whose birthday comes in each season, which made it even more exciting for him. he decided he likes summer.... who doesn't! :)



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