Colors and Chemistry

Colors and Chemistry

This is my son's favorite activity. We do this at least once a week. I can get him to do almost anything if I promise that I will let him do this. Keeps him busy for some time, while he is learning about primary and secondary colors and a little bit of chemistry and he gains some fine motor skills. Plus you can get your kitchen sink to shine at the end! :-)

Things needed for this activity:
-baking soda
-6 small bowls
-a plate/small container
-food coloring
-medicine dropper

Get 3 bowls and fill them with about 2 tbsp vinegar each. Add a drop of primary colors in them (red, blue, yellow).

Now teach the child that they are the primary colors and you will get secondary colors from them. Get three more bowls and start mixing colors. Add only about 1/3 of the vinegar while mixing. Add red and blue (to get purple) in one bowl, red and yellow (to get orange) in one bowl and blue and yellow (to get green) in the last bowl. My son loves mixing them.

Now you will have the primary colors (red, yellow, blue) and secondary colors (purple, orange, green).

Now for the fun part, get those cute fingers to work by getting some of the color mixture in the dropper and pour it onto the baking soda. It starts to bubble. The kids love seeing those bubbles.

Once they are done playing, you will get a yucky magic potion like this.

Now use it to clean the sink and make it shine


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