Kale Dahi Chaat

Kale Dahi Chaat

A savory snack made with crispy kale chips and yogurt

This is another one of my husband's wild kitchen innovation. It is a tasty way to enjoy the health benefits of kale.

Ingredients (4 plates)

1 bunch organic Kale (about 2 leaves per person)
1 cup yogurt
2 Tbsp sugar
1 tsp cumin powder or Chat masala (from Indian store)
2 tomatoes sliced into small pieces
1/4 medium sized onion sliced very small
1 Tbsp date chutney
Olive oil spray


1. Wash and dry Kale
2. Remove the stem and tear the leaves of Kale into bite sized pieces (you can use the stems for juice or smoothie).

3. Spray olive oil over the leaves and lightly season with salt
4. Preheat oven to 350F and bake the leaves until the edges are brown and the leaves are crispy (took us about 8 minutes).
5. Remove the baked kale and set aside

6. In a bowl mix the yogurt, sugar and chat masala and make it smooth
7. Now, in each serving plate crumble a handful of kale chips; add 1/2 tomato and sprinkle some onion pieces; then add 2 Tbsp of yogurt and 1 tsp of date chutney; Delicious Kale Dahi Chaat is ready!


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