Creamy Asparagus Soup

Creamy Asparagus Soup

Another one of our Vitamix experiments. We wanted to try making the Asparagus soup, but we did not like the version that was in the Vitamix book because it asks for too much half and half and is kind of bland. So we made our own version of the soup. It turned out to be very yummy.

-1 bunch asparagus
-4 cloves garlic
-1/4 onion (chopped)
-1 tbsp peppercorn 
-1/2 cup whole milk
-1/2 cup almonds
-1 tsp butter
-1/2 cup water

Saute garlic, onion and asparagus in butter for 10 minutes or until asparagus becomes soft. Add salt to taste. Add this into Vitamix along with all the other ingredients. Turn machine on and slowly increase speed to Variable 10, then to High. Blend for 6 minutes or heavy steam escapes from the vented lid. 


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