Rainbow Rice

Rainbow Rice

My son loves playing with rice. We made it more fun by adding color in it. Here's how:

Things needed for this activity:
-food coloring
-cheap rice
-a plastic box or zipper bags

You can make just a cup of rainbow rice or a whole bag. We used only 2 cups. Divide the 2 cups of rice into 6 parts.

Put one part of the rice into a plastic container (or zipper bag). Add 2 drops of yellow food coloring.

Then add a 1/2 spoon of water put the lid on and ask your child to shake the box. They love the sound it makes.

You can also ask them to mix with their hand, but could get messy. My son does not like getting messy, that is why we used a box. But for some, it might be fun to get messy! :-)

Repeat the above steps for other colors. We did it in the following order:
Orange (1 drop yellow, 1 drop red)
Purple (1 drop red, 1 drop blue)
Green (1 drop blue, 1 drop yellow)

The rice will be a little wet, so let it dry for a while. 

Once dry store it in a plastic container. I also added a extra handful of plain white rice in the container to add another color. 

My son plays with it all the time. I provide a few bowls, spoons and and old blender. He loves pretending to cook. Some of my favorite dishes that makes are dinosaur soup and monkey soup.... yummmm :-)


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