Frozen planets

Frozen planets

We still have lots of snow here and my son loves playing with food coloring. Also, he is currently very much into planets and space. So we put all the three things together and we got this new activity.

There are many things you can teach with this activity. They are learning while playing. Mixing primary and secondary colors, size, planets and solar system.

Things needed for this activity:
-food color

Get a huge bowl full of snow. Start making different size snow balls.

Have them make 10 snow balls in the following size order (Sun is the biggest, Moon is the smallest).

Sun - Orange
Jupiter - Yellow
Saturn - yellow
Uranus - Green
Neptune - Blue
Earth - Blue
Venus - Yellow
Mars - Red
Mercury - Orange
Moon - White

Start adding colors (mix a little water and food coloring)
For orange, mix yellow and red
For green, mix blue and yellow

After we were done coloring them, we put them all back outside, as they were starting to melt again. After lunch time, we brought them all back in and he played with with them for some more time.

Planets by its position: Sun, Mercury, Venus, Earth(Moon), Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune

At the end of it, my three year old knew the names of all the planets. He knows what letter each planet starts from. He knows which is the biggest planet and which is the smallest planet.

These balls are still sitting in the freezer. Will have to think of what to do with it.


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