Shredded Crayon

Shredded Crayon

We have been really bored sitting in the house in this horrible cold weather. So we have started to make some valentine's day crafts. My son does not particularly like coloring with crayons. He just peels off the crayon wrappers and we have too many naked crayons that he brings from all the restaurants we visit.

So we shredded a few crayons and melted it!

We used an old cereal box for this project. Cut out one side of it like this.

Then we covered it with aluminium foil.

We painted first to give it a good background. We used pink and red because its for valentine's day. And let it dry.

Then we shredded a couple of crayons.

 Sprinkled them on the foil.

Put it in the oven at 175 degrees for 2-3 minutes.

Take it out and draw designs. You have to be quick as it'll dry fast.

And display your art.


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