Thirsty Crow

Thirsty Crow

This is my first post. We did a new activity today. My son loves the story of the thirsty crow. But he was not able to understand why or how the water in the pot came up after the crow added the pebbles. And he loves to play scientist. So we started exploring it out for ourselves. (Note: This can get messy, so try to do it away from carpet)

Things needed for this activity:
-A clear plastic bottle
-A marker

Fill the plastic bottle half way with water. Mark the water line with a marker.

Start filling the bottle with pebbles (note: get a small bottle, so it fills up fast.)

The water raises. Small pebble makes it go up a little, big pebble makes it go up a lot.

Add some food coloring to make it more colorful.
Can make this as a bath tub activity and make the bath more fun


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